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Bazz Fuzz

Please see the kit page for full description.

Direct Connect compatible (4 way)

PCB size: 22 x 20mm


Pedal Parts


£3.60 inc. tax

£3.00 ex. tax
? Tax based on United Kingdom.

Customer Reviews

5 review(s) posted (write review)
Loads of fun 5 product stars
"A great little board - after some vero experiments I found it was easier and more decorative to use FD's crisp, clean little PCBs. I have three - in a pedal, in my guitar and one socketed for continued experimentation. It's just an amazing circuit; my guitar onboard version has an MPSA13, 1N34 germ diode, with 220n and 100n caps (ceramic) and resistor 10k, which gives massive sustain like you wouldn't expect from a thing the size of a first class stamp. Soviet diodes like D9K, E and V seem to produce a sharper fuzz with fast decay, sputtery as the gain reduces - nice. More timbres to be had by blending a small and large cap on a pot. Loads of fun - thanks FD!" georgespigot - 15 December 2020
Could this be simpler? 5 product stars
"Great little fuzz circuit, built in no time at all, and bass-friendly with 1uf caps. I combined this with the blender and now have a very usable bass fuzz." jayjay - 31 December 2019
The perfect opportunity pcb 5 product stars
"This is a fantastic raw fuzz sound. But nothing on this board is set in stone and after much playing about with the circuit. You can make your perfect fuzz Everyone loves a different tone. This pcb is perfect to build your dream raw fuzz. Bass and guitar. Change the diode to a Russian He D9E and D9K I recommend. The mullard gold bonded ges have a great taste to. You can wire up both the caps onto A DPDT ON,ON switch and have both 1uf and both 1nf and 560pf. For an added switch of tweeking. You could even pair this with both the 2P6T cap and diode selector boards Lee sells to for ultimate tweeking madness. Love it. Highley recommended for those wanting to experiment" Fairydance Creations - 03 December 2019
Sick one knobber! 5 product stars
"Bought this from Fuzzdog and threw it together pretty quick. SUper simple build!! Tested it out and it knocked my dreamcrusher off my board. This thing is my new favorite fuzz!" Bill - 08 May 2017
Bazz Fuzz Forever! 5 product stars
"So easy to make and it sounds so good! At least mine does. It makes a great first project and you can find all sorts of modifications online. However, I built mine totally standard and I LOVE IT! One caveat. Use a darlington transistor. MPSA13 or 18 or in my case a KSP13. You need the outrageous gain to get the best sound. IMHO." Nick - 25 July 2016

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