ABY Switch + K-Buffer
Handy switch to select between two different outputs or both at the same time.
ABYs are normally a PITA to wire up, but this board-mounted switch kit takes all the hard work out of it.
Optional Klon Buffer on-board to keep your signal sparkling and healthy.
Available in a few different box configurations, and you can have AB indicated by two different LEDs or a single two-colour fella.
Please note: you may experience noise issues connecting two amps to this, you may not. If you want to avoid the possibility of any issues you'd have to go for a more complex (and expensive) transformer-isolated box.
Kit includes: PCB, all components, footswtiches, hook-up wire, jack sockets, DC socket, LEDs. Enclosure (pre-drilled) is optional and won't take a battery. No knobs required.
Difficulty: Easy
PCB size: 85 x 21mm
Footswtich spacing: 65mm
Enclosure: 1590B
If you want the kit pre-built you must add the enclosure option below and select your knobs in the Components section. Check Specials for powder-coated enclosure availability.