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Treble Deluxe

Another boost which alledgedly has graced Mr May's rig at one time or another.

In stock configuration this boost has no controls, as it is supposedly on all the time, but no way maaan - not round here. You're going to at least get a footswitch to turn it off. Pot for boost level is optional, which will let you crank it as high as you dare.

This is not a clean boost, mind you. You'll get some extra gain and break-up, but it sounds real good.

Board-mounted pot (if you opt for it) for minimal wiring and easy mounting in the enclosure.

If you want the PCB without parts there's a link for that at the bottom of the page.

Partial kit: PCB, all board-mounted components, pots.

Full kit: As above, plus footswitch and appropriate daughterboard/components for your selected bypass type (see Downloads section for details of those), jack sockets, DC socket, battery snap, hook-up wire, LED.

Enclosure (pre-drilled) is available as an option with full kits, and can take a battery if desired with footswitch positioned 22mm higher, closer to the controls, in a 1590B. 1590A will not take a battery. Knobs are not included.

Builds are only available with full kits including enclosure. Please choose appropriate knobs.

Inspired by: Treble Deluxe

Difficulty: Easy

PCB size: 32 x 22mm

Knobs required: 0 or 1

Enclosure: 1590A, 1590B

Direct-Connect compatible (4-way)




£19.20 inc. tax

£16.00 ex. tax
? Tax based on United Kingdom.

Customer Reviews

3 review(s) posted (write review)
Absolutely amazing bit of Kit 5 product stars
"Absolutely brilliant bit of kit, arrived really fast and well packaged. Haven't put the foot switch on yet but as shown in the pic I've tested as shown in the instructions. Really easy to put together and really does sound amazing, will be buying more kits from here!
" Lee - 30 April 2022
Can t rate high enough 5 product stars
"Let me start by saying that the customer service from these guys is second to none. They answer emails super quick and don t make you feel like a bellend because your not sure what s what. This is my first go at building a pedal. I have very little electronic knowledge but can solder pretty well. I bought a kit from Germany that once completed did not work, they where not very helpful at all. After some email communication with these guys I settled on the treble deluxe. It s a clone of old badger heads mid gain treble booster, built by his go to electronics guru, they are however silly expensive. The kit arrived super quick. When I opened it I was horrified to see all the resistors were without labels. A quick email and I was sent a document which helps work out the values. I would recommend a multi meter also. This took me about an hour to check them all and check again. Once labled up I started to solder away, this took no time at all. Before I knew it I had mounted it all in my enclosure with the use of the super simple daughter board and had wired up the jacks. Boom, I was ready to go. Now this is being run into a line 6 helix through the fx loop which is first in line in the effects chain. Line 6 have included a range master in thier helix so I went about doing an a/b. First thing to say is that the pedal is noisy but that is typical of treble boosters. To my ears it s a little brighter than the range master but seems to be very similar on the gain front. The pedal sings and gives you instant Brian May coupled with a red special into a vox or at least an emulaton of. I was always under the impression you needed a valve amp for a treble booster, not true. It is so satisfying to put something together and it work. I can t recomend the kit highly enough. What to build next ? Phaser?" Matt - 17 March 2019
Treble Deluxe - Boost kit 5 product stars
"I was pleasantly surprised how great and authentic this sounds to other main stay units. Great economical boost unit. Treble boosters can be the perfect companion to make your leads really sing. The schematic made sense to me. The PCB was great! soldered easily. The packaging was unlike I've had before with a cool surprise inside. If you looking to edge up a dark sounding crunch channel. This is a WOBD w(weapon of bass destruction) Highly recommend adding the 10k gain pot. and Great value!!!" Wayne - 06 May 2015

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Full kits DO NOT include enclosures unless you select them in the 'Kit Type' drop-down menu.