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Tone Ripper

Hybrid Si/Ge fuzz to rip the soul out of your tone. Luckily it adds a whole lot of evil to fill the void.

Based on a 3-knob Tone Bender, the first two germanium transistors have been replaced with a single high-gain silicon can. This feeds into a final-stage germanium to give you that growly warmth missing from a full silicon circuit. The result is a lot more agressive than you'd expect from a 3KTB, but still has the range and response of that old favourite. Cleans up nicely with the guitar volume control. Perfect stoner territory.

Designed for board-mounted pots (round shaft - you'll need set-screw fitting knobs), but you can wire in 'normal' splined shaft if you prefer. It's the kind of pedal some people might like in a massive box.

NOTE: does require a small hack for now. See that ceramic cap next to the ribbon cable? That needs to straddle the IN and GND pads. Will be fixed when these boards a gone, but it's such a tiddler that it didn't seem right to bin this lot.

Partial kit: PCB, all board-mounted components, pots.

Full kit: As above, plus footswitch and appropriate daughterboard/components for your selected bypass type (see Downloads section for details of those), jack sockets, DC socket, battery snap, hook-up wire, LED.

Enclosure (pre-drilled) is only available with full kits, and will take a battery. Knobs are not included.

Builds are only available with full kits including enclosures. Please choose appropriate knobs.

Difficulty: Medium

PCB size: 50 x 30mm

Knobs required: 3

Enclosure: 1590B

Direct Connect compatible (4 way)



Pedal Parts



£32.40 inc. tax

£27.00 ex. tax
? Tax based on United Kingdom.

Customer Reviews

3 review(s) posted (write review)
Fuzzy goodness - tone for days! 5 product stars
"I've been a Tonebender fan for years, and built this out of curiosity. The mpsa18 pushes the Ge stage perfectly, and the tone control adds a heap of versatility. It's all the fuzz tones in one place. Cleans up nicely with the guitar's volume control, and gets gnarly as you turn your guitar up. An excellent pedal." Ian - 02 December 2018
Great, now I have to make room in my pedalboard 5 product stars
"Bought this kit out of curiosity. Wasn't looking for nothing in particular, but the kit kind of caught my attention. After building it I'm in a love-hate relationship with the pedal right now. The sound is awesome, love the pedal. It has a lot of great sounds inside that can be easily tuned and adjusted with the controls. Love the damn little pedal and for that I hate it because I now need to make room for it which I wasn't expecting. Build several pedals during the last couple of years. Some of them I stack them around for recording, getting inspired or trying new sounds. The pedals I really love find their way on my pedalboard. This one is standing proudly (it has replace an Egypt inspired fuzz... nothing else to add) on it now and I'm pretty sure it's a keeper. Regarding the kit, no surprises. Everything you need, quality components, crystal clear instructions as with every PedalParts kit." NiLace - 31 July 2017
Love love love this pedal! 5 product stars
"I was curious to see how well silicon and germanium would play together in the one build. Very, very well indeed. Lots of gain on tap with a tonebender soul. I a/b it against a boutique UK builder Mk iV and it compares brilliantly. Really useable tone control from thin to thick and oozy. It does clean up well, but I don't care- crank the fuzz and kick out the jams, motherf@cker!" BrettS - 18 June 2017

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We're only building for UK customers right now. Please don't order from elsewhere as we'll simply have to refund you.  

Full kits DO NOT include enclosures unless you select them in the 'Kit Type' drop-down menu.