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Recurring Nightmare - Modulated Delay

We have limited numbers of the XR2206 IC required for the modulation in this kit. Each chip has been tested in the circuit for functionality.

Due to popular demand you can now purchase the kit without the XR2206 and source your own, albeit at your own risk of getting a dud.

Another PT2399-based delay you say? Yes, but this one is from the whacky minds behind lots of fun fuzzes, filters and feedback devices so is more fun than most.

You have your straight up delay circuit with Time and Feedback controls,along with a fuzz to add some optional filth to the mix. Anything over half way on the Time control gives you really nasty, dirty repeats as it's pushing the IC beyond it's capabilities, which just adds more interesting results.

Then comes the really fun part. Subject the delayed signal to some modulation, with control over Speed, Depth and Waveform Shape.

Blend controls your balance between the dry signal and the spacey weirdness coming from the circuitry, and you can even flip a switch to kill your origiinal signal altogether, leaving only the strangeness in the mix.

Includes internal charge pump to get you 18V from your standard 9V supply, as the modulation chip needs 10V+ to work.

The kit is supplied with vertical-mount pots which have round shafts, so you'll need set-screw fitting knobs. Pot spacing is 20mm and they have round shafts, so take that into account when choosing knobs.

If you want the PCB without parts there's a link for that at the bottom of the page.

Partial kit: PCB, all board-mounted components, pots.

Full kit: As above, plus footswitch and appropriate daughterboard/components for your selected bypass type (see Downloads section for details of those), jack sockets, DC socket, battery snap, hook-up wire, LED.

Enclosure (pre-drilled) is available as an option with full kits, and will not take a battery. Knobs are not included.

Inspired by: Echo Dream

Difficulty: Medium

PCB size: 80 x 50mm

Knobs required: 7

Enclosure: 1590BB

Direct-Connect compatible (4-way)



Pedal Parts


£58.80 inc. tax

£49.00 ex. tax
? Tax based on United Kingdom.

Customer Reviews

4 review(s) posted (write review)
a nightmare indeed 4 product stars
"a challenging build with a lot of components. it works but not as well as i hoped/expected. exact same issue as josh mentioned, soft ticking sound tied to the LFO. very noticable without any of the fuzz dialed in. i wonder if its something to do with the charge pump 9v circuit? i think maybe an alternative way to do the modulation is with an LDR. similar to how the brain bomb operates. that would be cheaper and less noisy. its a pity as the modulation is lovely on this paired with the dark and grainy repeats of the pt2399 delay. the fuzz is quite extreme, i might dial that back from the stock 1M pot with a 500k and also trial some different pot values for the LFO speed. the stock 1M pot doesnt do anything up until around 3/4 of the turn. only 1/4 of the pot is usable. maybe i done something wrong i dunno. if others can chime in that would be brill ! dont let my review put you off buying this tho, its a great noise maker for sure. it can absolutely scream and self oscilate into sheer chaos but sometimes, in order to build tension, there needs to be coherent quiet gentle parts leading up to the chaotic crescendo. bit off putting when theres a ticking sound from the LFO ha ha !" Ant - 07 August 2024
Not for the faint of heart 5 product stars
"Pretty straightforward build, even though the 4 bottom pots are pretty close together; take that into account when choosing knobs, and when it comes to drilling, as the saying goes, "measure twice, drill once". If you're looking at this, you know how crazy this delay can get; this kit delivers every bit as much craziness as the original. Pair it with a Verb Engine, and you're off to deep space... Mine had a faint but noticeable high-pitched whine; unfortunately, I didn't have a genuine 7660S to test the IC that came in the kit against. Maybe it's just in the nature of the circuit..." - 05 July 2021
Madness 5 product stars
"This is a fun device that does everything from simple echoes to crazy pitch shifted repeats with insane sonic destruction. The fuzz is really dirty, not something I'd use on it's own but it does a good job of gnarling up the delays. Perfect for dub and industrial. I really like the square wave modulation switch and the switch to take out the dry signal. Straightforward build." Graham - 31 March 2021
Had a little trouble with this one, but it sounds so good! 5 product stars
"This is far and away the most involved kit I've put together, and honestly I've had some trouble with it - some soft ticking that happens in time with the modulation speed, and despite checking over all my connections, and doing the troubleshooting I could (following voltages through the circuit etc, and finding everything as it should be, trying a different modulation chip etc) I couldn't track down the cause. Which is a shame, because the modulation is beautiful. But... even without modulation it's an amazing delay, and luckily the circuit works fine if you just take the mod chip out, so that's what I've done. Instead, to give it a different twist I've added an extra pot and external footswitch to reduce the resistance across two pins of the feedback pot, so I can dial in extra feedback live. And I'll build another one of these some time soon to see if I can get that mod working!" Josh - 01 February 2021

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We're only building for UK customers right now. Please don't order from elsewhere as we'll simply have to refund you.  

Full kits DO NOT include enclosures unless you select them in the 'Kit Type' drop-down menu.