Another variation on the Rat, and oh my, this is a doozy.
The distortion dynamics spat out from the Rat drive section is, as we all know, beautiful. Absolutely perfect for all kinds of music, but especially tuned to doom perfection. However, that simple tone control is a real weak link. Myeh. We've fixed this flaw with several variations in the past - Banadall and Marshall 3-band tone stacks have greatly expanded the scope of this beast. Now we have the ultimate doomy rat.... that front end gnawing its sensational signal through a chewy Big Muff Pi tone stack. What's not to love? RAt-into-mUFF just works.
Rather than make it incredibly fiddly to use we're offering two different versions for you:
- RAUFF! - Standard one-knob Muff stack and external Ruetz mod pot.
- RAUFF!AMZ - AMZ presence two knob BMP stack with Tone and Mid Shift pots.
The latter also comes in two flavours with different frequency shifts - check out the tecnhical side at muzique.com
All that chewy tone takes a toll on the signal level, so we're punching the output via FET boost configuration for mucho cruncho. The FET can be through-hole or SMT if you're handy with fiddly parts.
Optional two or three way clipping switch tops this off nicely. We'll supply 6 x 1N4148 for classic rat or extra compressed, and red LEDs (Turbo) with the kits anyway, you just need to select the addiitonal toggle switch you want (for 2 or 3 way) and the extra diodes you want. Add germanium for a 'You Dirt Rat' option, or save a couple of quid and go for BAT46 which sound pretty much identical. We'll also suppy
Kit is supplied with OP07. Our stash of vintage LM308 is gone.
The kit is supplied with vertical-mount pots which have round shafts, so you'll need set-screw fitting knobs.
If you want the PCB without parts there's a link for that at the bottom of the page.
Partial kit: PCB, all board-mounted components (depending on selected options), pots.
Full kit: As above, plus footswitch and appropriate daughterboard/components for your selected bypass type (see Downloads section for details of those), jack sockets, DC socket, battery snap, hook-up wire, LED.
Enclosure (pre-drilled) is only available with full kits, and will not take a battery. Knobs are not included.
Builds are only available with full kits including enclosure and vertical-mount pots. Please choose appropriate knobs.
Inspired by: Rat
Difficulty: Medium
PCB size: 50 x 45mm
Knobs required: 4
Enclosure: 1590B
Direct-Connect compatible (4-way)
Pedal Parts