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Ramesses Fuzz

Great fuzz based on a bedrock of Big Muff with some very handy tweaks.

A couple of toggle switches to give you Hi/Lo input levels to change the headroom and clipping of the circuit, and one to change the second set of clipping diodes. Standard silicon for creamy smooth fuzz, asymetrical germanium clipping for a warmer, crunchier fuzz, or take them out altogether for full-on crunch.

As well as the standard Fuzz, Volume and Tone controls you have a Highs knob. This can be used to get some top end through when you have the tone wound back so it doesn't get too muffled. Very useful.

Sounds great on guitar, but is well worth a try on bass.

The kit is supplied with vertical-mount pots which have round shafts, so you'll need set-screw fitting knobs.

If you want the PCB without parts there's a link for that at the bottom of the page.

Partial kit: PCB, all board-mounted components, pots.

Full kit: As above, plus footswitch and appropriate daughterboard/components for your selected bypass type (see Downloads section for details of those), jack sockets, DC socket, battery snap, hook-up wire, LED.

Enclosure (pre-drilled) is available as an option with full kits, and will not take a battery. Knobs are not included.

Builds are only available with full kits including enclosures. Please choose appropriate knobs.

Inspired by: Pharaoh

Difficulty: Medium

PCB size: 50 x 50mm

Knobs required: 4

Enclosure: 1590B

Direct-Connect compatible (4-way)




£38.40 inc. tax

£32.00 ex. tax
? Tax based on United Kingdom.

Customer Reviews

4 review(s) posted (write review)
Fat and versatile 5 product stars
"Very nice fuzz. With all the various switches and knobs this is a very versatile pedal. Another one of my favorites.
" Gary L - 25 December 2024
Sounds Big! 5 product stars
"Quite an easy build, with plenty of room for everything. I installed mine in a Gorva S90 enclosure I had UV printed. Not tested it against my early 2000's NYC big Muff but initial impressions are great. Quite a bit of volume difference between the the diodes being on or off, but I think there's enough volume to make it work with either diode on. Now, what shall I build next....
" deksawyer - 10 September 2022
First Fuzz Dog Build 4 product stars
"Fairly easy build for experienced DIYers. Had to look up a resistor color calculator and get out my multimeter to confirm the resistor values. Two components missing and an extra one unneeded, but that isn't uncommon with kit sites. Ramesses, I believe, is based on the Pharaoh fuzz, but I have never played an original so I can't compare. I've spent a few hours with the pedal and did comparisons with my Big Muffs. To my ears, I still prefer my black Russian Big Muff for bass; but I think this might replace the NYC Muff for guitar. I can get the Ramesses and the NYC Muff to sound near identical, but the Ramesses has a lot more variety with an emphasis on mids -I will have to wait for a band practice to see how useful it is. My favorite setting is with the germanium diodes, but I have to max out the volume to get to a little above unity gain. Sounds good in the bedroom on low volume, but I can see this being an issue if playing with an amp already overdriven." Awkbinoc - 04 October 2019
Seriously fat.. 5 product stars
"Another great kit from Fuzz Dog, seriously fat on bass and very tweakable.. love it!" Jamie C - 28 April 2017

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We're only building for UK customers right now. Please don't order from elsewhere as we'll simply have to refund you.  

Full kits DO NOT include enclosures unless you select them in the 'Kit Type' drop-down menu.