Powder Coating for enclosures
IMPORTANT NOTE. This item does NOT include the cost of the enclosure, only the coating. You must select the enclosure option with your kit, then add this option if you want a coloured enclosure.
PLEASE CHOOSE THE CORRECT SIZE TO MATCH YOUR KIT - otherwise it messes with our stock system and we may end up with people ordering stock we don't have.
Factory powder coated enclosures in various colours. The black ones have a matt finish with a slight texture to it. All other colours are gloss. To add this as an option to your order, add your kit and normal enclosure option to your basket, then check stock availability here for the size of enclosure you're after.
You MUST purchase the kit enclosure option as well as this colour option. The price of the powder coating is on top of the price of the enclosure.
Only available with kits and builds - you can't just buy an enclosure.
If ordering more than one kit with different coloured enclosures, please add a note at checkout to say which colour goes with which kit.
Note: If the size you're after is showing as out of stock, please don't choose a different size and hope to add it to your order. Stock of powder coated units is closely monitored, so if it says there are no 1590A, then there aren't any. Size selection is purely so we can keep an eye on stock levels, and your enclosure will be as per the size appropriate to your kit.