Pot Spot
Handy little fella to help with getting less pot protruding out of the enclosure.
Why would you want to do that? Well, a lot of knobs will sit with quite a gap beneath them when mounted on a fully protruding pot. This tiny board drops onto your Alpha 16mm pot (you don't even need to snap off the locator tab), and drops your whole shebang 2mm further down. You now have plenty of scope for positioning your knobs as you like.
Two notes of caution:
- If your circuit requires your pots to be grounded to the enclosure, and the outer surface is painted, it ain't happening. This isn't a guitar though. Grounding pots to the enclosure is rarely a necessity.
- Your board is going to sit 2mm further into the enclosure if you're using board-mounted pots. That means 2mm less clearance for tall components such as 100uf caps. Ensure you have enough space.
Inspired by: A desire for prettier pedals
PCB size: 12 x 17mm
Pedal Parts