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Ultimatum Octave-Up Fuzz PCB Set

Please see the kit page for full description.

Boards can be connected with a 6-way ribbon connector.

Inspired by: Ultimate Octave

PCB sizes: 82 x 50mm (main) / 80 x 20mm (switch daughterboard)


Pedal Parts


£9.60 inc. tax

£8.00 ex. tax
? Tax based on United Kingdom.

Customer Reviews

2 review(s) posted (write review)
Sweet Vintage Fuzz 5 product stars
"A fantastically angry yet surprisingly versatile vintage fuzz clone with an incredibly clear and cutting switchable upper octave. This thing is nuts. A must buy for all lovers of fuzz pedals or pedals in general really. P.S Incredibly easy to follow documentation to get this up and running in no time at all." Sam - 09 January 2020
What a great pedal :) 5 product stars
"The PCBs are absolutely perfect to build a great sounding pedal! I only changed the B100K pot for Sustain against a A100K. It works much better." highway31 - 19 August 2019

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