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Customer Reviews
2 review(s) posted (write review)
Another Excellent Build
"Just built this one using the FD PCB, and the switch daughter board (must have). Works perfectly - just need to figure how best to set up and use this pedal - but it's going to be on the board for sure. The FuzzDog's designs and supporting instructions are the best I have used - build several different pedals, including full kits and PCB's and everything just works first time. Do make sure you read the instructions - at least twice - all the info is there - but you gotta read it. Highly recommended." Nick - 18 April 2017
Crazy Horse in a Box
"I had etched and built a version of the Durham Crazy Horse. It was OK but was not happy with the tone. It was a bit over the top. The Mad Mule really lets you get as close to Neil's sound as your going to get without his set up. My goal was to match the electric sounds on Live Rust or Weld. Specifically Hey Hey My My. Fuzz and drive at about 3/4, volume at 1/2 and volts turned down to maybe 1/4. Using a Les Paul Classic and Carvin V3 twin through one of the distortion channels gets you there. Using a clean channel does not quite do it. More of an overdrive vs. pure distortion. Your mileage may vary. If you want Neil's sound then start with this pedal." Bob Davis - 05 September 2014