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Phase Inverting Buffer

Buffers are useful. This one is no exception.

Why do I need a buffer? Ask Pete Cornish.

Put one of these first in line in your pedal chain, and if you really want to keep things sweet stick another at the end. Your highs will sparkle like never before.

Why do you want this one? At the flip of a switch you can invert the phase of the output, solving all manner of signal compatibility issues on your board. Only you know why you need one.

Kit is only available a mini 1590A (36 x 90mm) enclosure with DC power only. If you want an 'on' indicator LED you'll have to wire it, along with the current limiter, off-board directly to the DC socket. No big hassle. Be aware that you'll be wiring in a very confined space.

Kit includes: PCB, all components, hook-up wire, jack sockets, DC socket, LED. Enclosure (pre-drilled) is optional. No knobs required.

Difficulty: Easy

PCB size: 25 x 28mm

Enclosure: 1590A

If you want the kit pre-built you must add the enclosure option below and select your knobs in the Components section. Check Specials for powder-coated enclosure availability.



Pedal Parts



£18.00 inc. tax

£15.00 ex. tax
? Tax based on United Kingdom.

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Full kits DO NOT include enclosures unless you select them in the 'Kit Type' drop-down menu.