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Great little circuit to give you the oomph and response of a dirty HiWatt, similar to Pete's from Live in Leeds.

That's the designer's claim, and we couldn't honestly put hand on heart and say it's entirely accurate, but it does produce some great tones. Delicious dirt that works really well on a clean channel.

Circuits with such a low parts count shouldn't be capable of such versatility!

If you want the PCB without parts there's a link for that at the bottom of the page.

Partial kit: PCB, all board-mounted components, pots.

Full kit: As above, plus footswitch and appropriate daughterboard/components for your selected bypass type (see Downloads section for details of those), jack sockets, DC socket, battery snap, hook-up wire, LED.

Enclosure (pre-drilled) is available as an option with full kits, and can take a battery if desired with footswitch positioned 22mm higher, closer to the controls. Knobs are not included.

Builds are only available with full kits including enclosures. Please choose appropriate knobs.

Inspired by: Hyper Pak

Difficulty: Easy

PCB size: 50 x 22mm

Knobs required: 2

Enclosure: 1590B

Direct Connect compatible (4 way)



Pedal Parts



£24.00 inc. tax

£20.00 ex. tax
? Tax based on United Kingdom.

Customer Reviews

7 review(s) posted (write review)
Excellent first kit, excellent sound. 4 product stars
"Dont do "medium hard" or "hard" for your first kit - trust me I know. But easy or not this pedal sounds fantastic, notably noisier than my Red Llama but not as bad as some popular new expensive ones on which, unfortunately you can also trust me. It will probably see my next gig." Dean - 06 September 2017
Well, well, well... 5 product stars
"What a lovely surprise. To be honest I wasn't really sure what to expect from this: I'd read the reviews, but I've never played a WHRL (original or re-issue). But for 20 quid, I thought "yeah...why not?" And I'm glad I took the plunge: it's a really characterful little box, and a great alternative to Tube Screamer-style pedals (much as I love 'em). You get thick responsive sustain, with an "edge" that's assertive without being brittle, and (as others have noted) it covers a lot of ground for something described as "fuzz". It's a surprisingly simple circuit, and it would've been a simple build, too, had I not put the pots in the wrong side :-/ A quick email - answered over Christmas, by the way; now that's Customer Service! - pointed me in the right direction, and now it works like a charm. I've been experimenting with re-amping virtual instruments recently, and I suspect a smidgen of Llamatron with a little valve combo would do wonders for some slightly lacklustre Wurlie samples I've got kicking around...we will soon see!" tom - 02 January 2017
Sound correction 5 product stars
"Please disregard the sound description in my last review, it was written in haste and based on an amp with a valve on the brink of dying and I haven't had opportunity to correct until now. Super responsive to pick dynamics and instrument input, but perhaps not enough gain on tap for my particular taste - at the top of the gain control it puts out a medium gain overdrive sound. Although it doesn't stack well before other pedals and is a bit rubbish at pushing an already over driven amp, it is BRILLIANT after other gain pedals. Put a fuzz in front of it and you can get screaming, amp pushed to 11 splattery fuzz. Bizarrely, it also turns into an absolute metal monster with a tube screamer in front of it. Lots of room for experimentation, and now my go to pedal when I've got a sound I like that doesn't seem to have enough OOMPH to it :)" Ben Miles - 09 October 2016
Kickass box of dirt 5 product stars
"Excellent fuzz box, very responsive to pick dynamics & volume control. If you want tons of saturated fuzz without killing the definition of your playing then this is definitely worth checking out. Sound wise very similar to a Fuzz Face going into a cranked amp, quite open sounding with a good bass response. Doesn't stack particularly well with other drive pedals, but I can't reasonably think of a reason to do so as there is tons of gain on tap. The build was very intuitive and easy to follow, the most difficult thing being the true bypass switch (knew I should have remembered to order the switch daughter board!). One weird quirk - the Gain and Volume controls are mounted the opposite way round to most pedals, so if I was to build this again I would probably wire the pots rather than board mount them. Overall a great kit and a great tone. Put it straight in the board :)" Ben Miles - 12 June 2016
It's a keeper 4 product stars
"Was very impressed when I built this. To call it tubelike is underselling it, it can go from very mild OD to all out fuzz without changing settings, something my amp could never do. It's very touch sensitive. I play in a covers band and at gigging levels this pedal can cover a lot of ground. Lots of natural bass, very transparent and sounds full of sustain without feeding back. I'd recommend this for people who don't get on with Big Muffs but want that vintage sustain. As for the kit, easy to build, as small as it could possibly be and quality all round." Alan - 04 May 2014
llamatron rocks! 5 product stars
"Great pedal. Nice tone, and simple instructions. Great first build." jose - 16 November 2013
1st build 5 product stars
"Delivered around 9 seconds after I paid for it. This was my first build and it works! Great tone and simple-ish build. Totally recommended." porleegee - 12 August 2012

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We're only building for UK customers right now. Please don't order from elsewhere as we'll simply have to refund you.  

Full kits DO NOT include enclosures unless you select them in the 'Kit Type' drop-down menu.