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HellGazer Mini

NOTE: Does not come with ribbon cable. We're out of stock on the 6-way for now.

Prepare for the total and utter destruction of your tone.

Having recently done a major overhaul of the original Hellgazer, we thought it was time to squeeze it into this format too.

Take a look into the fiery depths of sonic hell. A two-fronted assault on your sound, with a full-on filthy fuzz on one side into a pushed-to-oblivion overdrive on the over.

The right had size fuzz (Soda) goes from filthy to just plain ridiculous. This feeds into....

Left hand overdrive (Cone Ripper) is loud. Like, really loud. The transistors are cranking out so much gain it sounds like your speaker is ripping to shreds. Nasty.

Both circuits are independently switched, and the order when both are engaged is Fuzz (right) into OD (left)

This one is not for the faint hearted. Think NIN, MBV. Total WALL OF FUZZ.

Footswitches and LEDs mount on a separate daughterboard

If you want the PCBs without parts there's a link for that at the bottom of the page.

Partial kit: PCBs, all board-mounted components (not footswitches), pots.

Full kit: As above, plus footswitch and appropriate daughterboard/components for your selected bypass type (see Downloads section for details of those), jack sockets, DC socket, battery snap, hook-up wire, LED.

Enclosure (pre-drilled) is available as an option with full kits, and will not take a battery. Knobs are not included.

Builds are only available with full kits including enclosures. Please choose appropriate knobs.

Inspired by: Shoe Gazer

Difficulty: Hard

PCB size: 50 x 40mm / 50 x 25mm

Knobs required: 4

Enclosure: 1590B



Pedal Parts


£43.20 inc. tax

£36.00 ex. tax
? Tax based on United Kingdom.

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We're only building for UK customers right now. Please don't order from elsewhere as we'll simply have to refund you.  

Full kits DO NOT include enclosures unless you select them in the 'Kit Type' drop-down menu.