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RunOffGroove Ginger

RunOffGroove's stupendously good take on getting the tones of an Ampeg SB-12 Portaflex.

Designed for you bass heads, but works equally well with guitar if you want that meaty grunt.

There are a couple of trimmers to tweak to get it biased to perfection, so a multimeter is going to be useful. You can do it by ear of course, but it's nice to see the numbers.

The kit is supplied with vertical-mount pots which have round shafts, so you'll need set-screw fitting knobs.

If you want the PCB without parts there's a link for that at the bottom of the page.

Partial kit: PCB, all board-mounted components, pots.

Full kit: As above, plus footswitch and appropriate daughterboard/components for your selected bypass type (see Downloads section for details of those), jack sockets, DC socket, battery snap, hook-up wire, LED.

Enclosure (pre-drilled) is available as an option with full kits, and will not take a battery. Knobs are not included.

Builds are only available with full kits including enclosures. Please choose appropriate knobs.

Inspired by: Run Off Groove Ginger

Difficulty: Medium

PCB size: 50 x 43mm

Knobs required: 4

Enclosure: 1590B

Direct Connect compatible (4 way)



Pedal Parts



£48.00 inc. tax

£40.00 ex. tax
? Tax based on United Kingdom.

Customer Reviews

3 review(s) posted (write review)
Great bass overdrive 5 product stars
"I've been using this for ages now on bass for a bit of extra drive - providing the middle dirt option between my overdriven Sansamp VTB500 amp and Big Muff Pi (Green Russian build). If I had an amp that was totally clean I reckon this might be an always on pedal for me. A great base for classic rock!" Chris - 04 July 2023
Killer sounding pedal. 5 product stars
"Really great sounding pedal, once built and tested, this one has immediately joined my pedal board. Smooth overdrive, have that typical but light and pleasant "fart" sound when you pluck the low E hard enough. This pedal love P basses and flats ! One of my fav kit so far :)" Vali - 02 December 2019
Great for guitar too 5 product stars
"I'm primarily a guitar player but I love bassy, thick overdrive. Got exactly what I was looking for here. Very gritty, dry, heavy tone, similar to a Sunn amp or Greg Ginn's Black Flag tone. Not a lot of overdrive but it stacks well with any dirt pedal." Jonathan - 11 November 2019

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We're only building for UK customers right now. Please don't order from elsewhere as we'll simply have to refund you.  

Full kits DO NOT include enclosures unless you select them in the 'Kit Type' drop-down menu.