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Fuzz Raw - V2 (4 transistor)

A delicious box of over-the-top fuzz assault. This kit is traced directly from an original early two-knob pedal that graces the FuzzDog pedalboard. That model has an internal trimmer for a fixed Drive control, but the PCB is designed so you can have this as a pot if preferred. We've also changed the pot tapers to make it a more pleasant pedal to use. It's a Big Muff after all, so linear volume pot is not the way to go. The unit we traved had germanium clipping diodes, but later models use 1N5227B. You have the choice of either. Will you hear a difference? Debatable.

Not to be confused with the" target="_blank">earlier model (which has seven gain stages and is notoriously difficult to get working), this one is based around a Big Muff Pi but with a different tone stack. It has a thick, meaty sound which can get quite clanky with the tone right up.

This is still one of the favourite BMP-based pedals around this place.

The kit is supplied with vertical-mount pots which have round shafts, so you'll need set-screw fitting knobs.

If you want the PCB without parts there's a link for that at the bottom of the page.

Partial kit: PCB, all board-mounted components, pots.

Full kit: As above, plus footswitch and appropriate daughterboard/components for your selected bypass type (see Downloads section for details of those), jack sockets, DC socket, battery snap, hook-up wire, LED.

Enclosure (pre-drilled) is available as an option with full kits, and will not take a battery. Knobs are not included.

Builds are only available with full kits including enclosures. Please choose appropriate knobs.

Inspired by: Fuzz War V2

Difficulty: Medium

PCB size: 50 x 40mm

Knobs required: 2,3

Enclosure: 1590B

Direct-Connect compatible (4-way)



Pedal Parts



£31.20 inc. tax

£26.00 ex. tax
? Tax based on United Kingdom.

Customer Reviews

10 review(s) posted (write review)
Its muffy, its loud and its tweakable. And my neighbors hate me. 5 product stars
"I built the three knob version. Its not quite like the Fuzz War, but its in that ballpark. And its a fun build!" Torje - 25 October 2019
Great fuzz, very scooped but sounded great modded 5 product stars
"Im not familiar with the actual dba fuzz this is based on, except from demo videos. Someone else in their review mentioned that it didn't have the same sweep in the tone knob and it was a little fizzy. I know that to me, I was disappointed in the lack of mids. If you want a really scooped sound this is great for you. The filter tone knob is cool and it's still versatile. After looking around I found some mods that worked great to my ears. Putting a 6n7 capacitor parallel to r14 was recommended (I came to that value by experimenting. A 470pf was recommended but it wasn't enough for me. I just tacked a capacitor onto the legs of the resistor). That brought the fizz down a bunch and made it darker sounding. Then increasing c9 to somewhere between 5n6 and 10n brings in a bunch of mids. It changes the sweep of the tone knob a bit but it's still got that Rat filter feel to it and for my purposes it's much more useful. Anyhow, I can't compare to the original, but it sounds good stock, I just prefer my mods, I'm a huge fan of low mids." Jonathan - 12 July 2019
Nice PCB project, but be careful 4 product stars
"I am glad, it does exist FW clone PCB and the communication with pedalparts is really quick and flexible!! Also, the description in .pdf is nice with really good hints and tips! Pedal works:-)) However, I have some cons. First, the glass diodes they provide are not 1N34A, but some Si diodes with 0.7V voltage drop. Even if it was, Ge diodes are wrong in V2 FW. If you check original (V2 version FW) they use Zener 3.6V (Ge's were used in 7 transistor V1 FW, version known for low yield). Ok, have some spare ones at home, but you know feel free to experiment ;-) Second, the pads are really near to each other, so it can happen (like in my case), that you join LED and OUT and you have an issue. Third, even if you use 350C (lead solder), some pads can lose after careful desoldering. I res=commend clean properly (with PCB clean liquid) whole PCB after mounting all the parts. Otherwise, very nice pedl project;-)" mjk - 11 May 2019
Awesome sound 5 product stars
"This was my first diy pedal and I love how it came out. Clear instructions and fast delivery to Finland. Both drive and tone have really wide scales so this is going to be on my pedalboard forever." Vilho - 05 March 2019
Raw Fuzz - Not quite on point 3 product stars
"Fun build and as usual a very well supplied kit. However... Though the kit does sound exactly the same as the Fuzz War when the Tone and Fuzz controls are set at their furthest extremes (full up or fully back), as soon as you stray away from those settings it does not respond in the same way. The Fuzz control jumps from warm and furry to very distorted around the 7 O'clock point whereas the original gets slowly and smoothly more distorted throughout it's entire range. Same with the tone control. Also, the clone is lacking the detailed middle of the Fuzz War. In fact, with the fuzz up full there is quite a nasty hum - almost sounds like Earth hum - it ain't the pedal is constructed perfectly - no shorts, dry joints and even cleaned the tracks with lighter fuel. I've put up a comparison video to illustrate my findings here" Steve Crittall - 07 November 2018
Bad to the tone 5 product stars
"Awesome BMP variant! The tone control is insane; not your classic Muff tonestack. I stack my Raw Fuzz with the Soopa-Charged OD, this is wild!!" Chuck - 18 August 2016
Spot on! 5 product stars
"It's brilliant. Just brilliant. Played it alongside a Fuzz War and it's identical. Bad ass pedal, Thanks!" Rowan - 19 January 2016
I'ts fantastic. 5 product stars
"It's a really good clone. I'm speechless. I have no speech." Joel - 16 August 2015
Love the filter 5 product stars
"This is a great version of a gnarly classic. Great instructions and kit was easy to assemble (it was the first pedal I've ever assembled). The filter reminds me of filters you find on certain synths - it's very expressive and covers a wide range of sounds." Xavier - 23 June 2015
Best Sounding Fuzz Ever! 5 product stars
"Ive bought a few kits from the Poodle Pedal Parts site and they've all sounded great, nice to build with easy to follow .PDF build instructions and good quality components but the RAW FUZZ, Fuzz War clone is honestly the best fuzz I've ever had the pleasure of owning! Most fuzz pedals i have owned have tended to get a little lost in the mix, including real (non clone) Big Muffs, Fuzz Faces and Rat pedals. The RAW FUZZ just cuts through and there's loads of head room, you really can push this beauty. The tone is also amazing, lots of bass response if you want it and a lovely crunchy, brittle sounding high end. I'd also recommend getting the extra external drive pot as it enables you to turn the drive right down and the volume right up to get a lovely, crunchy overdrive sound if you are that way inclined. Personally, i like to crank it and wig out! A truly gnarly pedal, highly recommended!" Dan Wheeler - 06 August 2013

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Full kits DO NOT include enclosures unless you select them in the 'Kit Type' drop-down menu.