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FuzzPup Double-Ups

Please read the general build doc available here and ensure you're happy with what's involved. A supplementary document detailing the double builds is on the way.

Of course there's nothing stopping you using the double-bypass daughterboards for 'standard' builds. They're Direct Connect compatible.

NOTE: If you're including a Big Muff Pi as an option, please add a note at checkout to say which version you want - It'd be far too unwieldy to list them all in the drop-down menu.

ANOTHER NOTE: If the pup you're looking for isn't in the drop-down list send us a message. We've likely just forgot to add it.

Double the fun of all your usual FuzzPups, this listing gives you the option for two pups in one 1590BB enclosure. As more circuits are added to the range they'll be made available here.

Peruse the FuzzPup range, see which two you'd like in one enclosure, then pick your options below. Choose which you'd like on the left and right sides of the box (viewed from the outside, not as you'd see it when building from the inside), and we'll do the rest.

Drilling for pots and switches is done sensibly, but if you have any special requests please add them as a note at checkout.

Basic options are to have the pots for both circuits spread evenly across the enclosure for a neater appearance, or bunched slightly on each side so it's clearer which is for which circuit. Take a look at the sample images to the left.

Our newer FuzzPup kits are designed to have the pots mounted to the main PCB with header pins and a separate daughterboard. However, in double-up builds we recommend you wire the pots offboard to achieve better spacing.

Different positioning is available for the jacks and DC socket. Note: side mounted jacks will be quite close to the top surface of the enclosure, as in the 1590A versions, to ensure they clear the circuit boards sufficiiently. Top mounted jacks will be closer to the bottom surface. If you want a side mounted DC socket please state LEFT or RIGHT.

There's also the option to add an order switcher. At the moment the toggle switch will point to the selected circuit that comes second in the chain. We may change the PCB in future. Order switcher option does not include the ribbon cable - see link below if you want to add that.

Partial kit: PCBs, all board-mounted components (not footswitches), pots.

Full kit: As above, plus footswitches and appropriate daughterboard/components for your selected bypass type (see Downloads section for details of those), jack sockets, DC socket, battery snap, hook-up wire, LED.

Enclosure (pre-drilled) is available as an option with full kits, and will not take a battery. Knobs are not included.

Supplied with 16mm pots (round shaft)

Difficulty: Hard

PCB size: 25 x 40mm

Knobs required: Sorry, you'll have to work that out.

Enclosure: 1590BB

Direct-Connect compatible (6-way)


Please also read this general guide to FuzzPup builds.

Note: image with circuit board in the enclosure is to illustrate the way this kit connects.


Pedal Parts



£50.40 inc. tax

£42.00 ex. tax
? Tax based on United Kingdom.

Customer Reviews

1 review(s) posted (write review)
Soda-Ride 5 product stars
"Not so much a difficult build as time consuming. Load up some podcasts to listen to because this will take a while. I opted for a Mosrite Fuzz Rite - Vintage Soda (Soda build). This is a killer fuzz box. I have the Fuzz Rite set to thin, raspy, and sputtery and the Soda to heavy and wooly. That said, there is an array of sounds with both circuits. I wouldn't recommend the Double-Ups for a first build, but after getting a feel for the Fuzz Dog manuals and after a few builds, I found this no more difficult than building two pedals at once." awkbinoc - 06 December 2019

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General Build Guide


We're only building for UK customers right now. Please don't order from elsewhere as we'll simply have to refund you.  

Full kits DO NOT include enclosures unless you select them in the 'Kit Type' drop-down menu.