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Deep Vibes Optical Vibe Machine

A modern take on getting the classic vibe sound, squeezed into a neat little 1590B package.

Five knobs of tweakable optical vibe goodness that'll sound great whatever you plug into it. Guitar, bass, keyboards, maracas... well, maybe not everything.

You have Rate, Intensity and Volume which you'd expect, but there are another couple of controls to keep things interesting. Voice alters the focus on the midrange which has a huge bearing on the overall sound. Throb brings in some crazy low end to rattle the walls with. All the fun of a UniVibe and then some.

The kit is supplied with vertical-mount pots which have round shafts, so you'll need set-screw fitting knobs.

If you want the PCB without parts there's a link for that at the bottom of the page.

Partial kit: PCB, all board-mounted components, pots.

Full kit: As above, plus footswitch and appropriate daughterboard/components for your selected bypass type (see Downloads section for details of those), jack sockets, DC socket, battery snap, hook-up wire, LED.

Enclosure (pre-drilled) is available as an option with full kits, and will not take a battery. Knobs are not included.

Inspired by: The Depths

Difficulty: Medium

PCB size: 50 x 50mm

Knobs required: 5

Enclosure: 1590B

Direct-Connect compatible (4-way)



Pedal Parts


£48.00 inc. tax

£40.00 ex. tax
? Tax based on United Kingdom.

Customer Reviews

9 review(s) posted (write review)
Sounds great, nice compact pedal, came with everything I needed 5 product stars
"This was my first pedal build and I'm happy with the result. There's lots of useful info on the fuzz dog site to help noobs like me. Definitely read the documents closely, especially if you're new to this. I'm not great at reading circuit diagrams but the BOM was nicely itemized and the PCB is marked for each corresponding component so it's mostly color by numbers after the parts have been sorted. I went for the optopuss, ribbon cable and pre-drilled enclosure. Hole placement on the enclosure was less than perfect but not bad enough to return (I live in the USA). I should've bought the testing rig but fortunately everything worked on the first go - maybe next time I buy a kit I'll get the tester. There were a few challenging bits, mostly due to my lack of experience and large fingers. I drilled a hole and added a second status LED in parallel and replaced the 2.2K resistor on the daughter board with a 1.1K to maintain brightness (I also used flat top LEDs to seat them flush with the enclosure). I gave this pedal to a friend and he's been enjoying it. My only observation about the sound is the "Throb" parameter barely does anything. Maybe a little on the low freqs. Otherwise it sounds great!
" Morgan - 28 October 2024
Also late to review, but another fantastic pedal! 5 product stars
"A brilliant kit, my first step up from the Bazz Fuzz and a great challenge. I loved seeing the LED inside clearly change as you adjust the knobs. Another one that hasn't left my board since I built it - thanks!!
" Ross - 02 February 2024
Floyd vibes 5 product stars
"Nice easy build. Sounds mega. Everything set to 1 o clock except rate to taste. Excellent service as always." Matt - 04 November 2022
Great build, great pedal, great support. 5 product stars
"I've built a dozen pedals now, from a half-dozen companies (Mod, Aion, BYOC, GeneralGuitarGadgets, StewMac) and the Fuzzdog pedals are my favorite by far. Well put together, great build docs, and great support (I had some confustion, and Fuzzdog patiently helped me figure it out). The pedal itself sounds great, works well on both bass and guitar. Can get a subtle effect, but can push into some pretty spacey territory if you want. Can't wait to build my next Fuzzdog kits (Engineers Thumb, Juicy Blue and Moon Phaser are all lined up). I'm sticking with Fuzzdog until the money runs out...." Jason Schoenbeck - 28 July 2021
Lovely pedal 5 product stars
"Build wasnt difficult at all, and the end result is an amazing vibe pedal! It sounds like any classic vibe sound i could aim for, plus some extra 5/5" Pablo - 24 October 2020
Deep vibes 5 product stars
"took a good hour to build and the result didn't disappoint. i have decided to take the photocells 2-3 mm away from the LED instead of keeping them right on it, and it seems to give a better result. still learning how to use this, but it's the only modulation i have and it will probably keep being the one!" Simone - 16 April 2020
Great Vibe Box 5 product stars
"Great build, customer service and sound. A few tricky parts with the amount of resistors here and there but shouldnt take more than a couple hours to put together. The sound is godly. Great range of sounds to get with each knob. This pedal has a good amount of volume on tap so can double as a solo booster adding some wacky vibes. 10/10 would recommend" Lester Williams - 14 December 2019
Sweet Sweeper 5 product stars
"Don't let the fairly high parts count put you off - this is well worth the time spent sorting resistors and soldering! Couple of tricky bits but still very achievable if you've had a bit of practice, and pairs wonderfully with dirt pedals. Set your amp up right and it will even put a little grit in itself, this thing can add quite a bit of volume if that's how you roll!" Aleks - 18 February 2019
Hours of Fun 5 product stars
"Wonderful sounding vibe. Hours of fun can be had fine tuning the sound. Can evoke a lovely psychedelic swirl. Build was challenging but not impossible. Your eyes will eventually go from looking at resistors for so long. Soldering the pots at the end required a nimble hand. Nothing I couldn t manage. Pcb well layer out. Was great seeing the pulsing led for the first time. Though do yourself a favour and remember to put the chips in before you test it. You will feel like a berk if you forget. As ever, speedy delivery and an amazing value kit." DaveT - 18 October 2018

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We're only building for UK customers right now. Please don't order from elsewhere as we'll simply have to refund you.  

Full kits DO NOT include enclosures unless you select them in the 'Kit Type' drop-down menu.