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Cream Buff guitar signal buffer

Clone your own super-lovely signal buffer.

We'd highly recommend looking at the listing for our fully-board-mounted version of this circuit, unless you want to squeeze it into a really tight spot.

Why do I need a buffer? Ask Pete Cornish. But I'll give you a clue. Lots of pedals and lots of cable = lots of gumph for your signal to get through between your guitar and amp. Inevitably you're going to lose something as it strains its way through the wire, and what goes first is your sweet top-end. You've just paid £2k for that strat - splash out another few quid and see what it should really sound like.

Put one of these first in line in your pedal chain, and if you really want to keep things sweet stick another at the end. Your highs will sparkle like never before.

The kit doesn't come with any switches as this is meant to be a plug-in-and-forget, always-on circuit. Feel free to add one if you want. DC power only too, but again you can add battery snap if that floats your boat. But honestly, once you've tried it you'll never want to switch it off. This is the most useful square inch ever.

Kit is available a mini 1590A (36 x 90mm) enclosure with DC power only in either vertical or horizontal format.If you want an 'on' indicator LED you'll have to wire it, along with the current limiter, off-board directly to the DC socket. No big hassle. Be aware that you'll be wiring in a very confined space.

Kit includes: PCB, all components, hook-up wire, jack sockets, DC socket, LED. Enclosure (pre-drilled) is optional. No knobs required.

Inspired by: LD-1

Difficulty: Easy

PCB size: 25 x 25mm

Enclosure: 1590A



Pedal Parts



£16.80 inc. tax

£14.00 ex. tax
? Tax based on United Kingdom.

Customer Reviews

10 review(s) posted (write review)
A great, tiny buffer 5 product stars
"Love it - a simple build, will fit just about wherever you want to put it, excellent to strap to the side of a pedalboard as an input / always on. If you've not built a kit before, this is a great starter, with fantastic instructions as always." Daniel Sparks - 20 December 2021
Superb natural sounding buffer and great service 5 product stars
"Thank you Fuzz Dog for the next day delivery. Ordered yesterday, arrived today so I just had to build it :-) Having built and used the Klon style one I was beginning to suspect it of adding a bit of high and upper mid harshness. No such problem with Cream Buff, incredibly natural sounding and that s it really, sound better, overdrives sound better, happy guitarist. All buffers are not created equal." David - 03 November 2021
Reply From FuzzDog
Thanks for the good feeback. We have a buffer box set up with both the K and C buffers in that can be swapped at the flick of a switch. When there's a spare 5 minutes (rare!) we'll do some analysis. Cheers.
Great little buffer 5 product stars
"I've built a couple of these, and they're great. Buffers are never the most exciting thing and it's very subtle differences, but I think I prefer this to the Klon buffer. Just seems a bit less stiff, and somehow adds sparkle without feeling too bright. The one I've just built has gone inside a patchbox for my board, so I can be happy knowing the first thing my guitar hits is a decent little buffer circuit." Josh - 01 February 2021
Super little kit! 5 product stars
"Ordered and arrived quickly. Got the case to which was nicely drilled and easily spray painted for a bit of extra glamour! PCB and parts were all great quality and went together very easily. Worked first time and sounds great! I'll be ordering again..." Geoff - 10 January 2020
Brilliant Buffer 5 product stars
"I've tried quite a few buffers and this is the best circuit I've come across for my needs. Even after going through a large pedal board my signal is bright and clear. Compared to the sound of my guitar straight into the amp the lows are now a little tighter and defined which is great. I've got two 1980 Ibanez pedals on my board which muddy the sound up quite a bit when bypassed but they are now no problem at all." Drew H - 11 September 2019
What... the... Why aren't these everywhere?! 5 product stars
"After wiring it's power socket back to front, I put this in front of several pedals, including two distortion, a fuzz, a Green Ringer, Chorus, Delay, Flanger, wah and volume, with a noise gate at the end of the chain. My God. It sounded like it was plugged straight in to my amp, all the pedals behaved bloody perfectly, and the noise gate worked much more accurately. The improvement in sound is astounding, anyone who uses any effects should try one of these, I'm 99% certain that you will discover it to be utterly essential. A very simple build, and the result is one of the biggest guitar related revelations I have ever had, I really can't believe it. You need one, it's just you don't realise yet. I will keep it in the guitar case,it's small enough, and Must Not Be Forgotten. Dear God. Thankyou so much Lee. I am going to blab a bit on Facebook about this, I must spread this news. As useful as strings on yer guitar. And inexpensive." Mick Jones. - 07 May 2017
Excellent as usual 5 product stars
"I love this thing. I've tried a number of buffers before, and they all did something to my sound I didn't like. As soon as I plugged this in, I knew it was the right one - it sounded like a blanket had been lifted off my amp, with none of the high end harshness that the other buffers had. Sounds really natural and works with my setup beautifully. It was a straightforward build, even for a hamfisted solderer like me, and it's a good introduction to wiring in a tight space - it's not too extreme but you do have to plan ahead to make sure everything goes where it should. Another winner from Mr. Fuzzdog, and with typically great service. Thanks very much!" Tom - 10 April 2017
Wow - Amazing buffer! Great job by Fuzz Dog on the build too! 5 product stars
"I was on a fantastic quest to find the perfect buffer. I tried many products. The Cream Buff is really a great sounding, great feeling product. Class A, discrete. I am shocked more people have not caught on! Thanks much!" Kronos147 - 23 September 2016
Super First Build 5 product stars
"Everyone needs a buffer right? - and this circuit is based on one of the best in the industry. Perfect first build for newbies like me. Great learning curve and introduction to the world of build your own pedals/circuits in readiness to build more of Fuzz Dog's excellent kits. Comes fully supplied with all the components and professional looking PCB, with comprehensive instructions downloadable from the website. My only problem with this kit? - it gives you "build fever" and you just want to build more!" Happy Customer - 29 April 2016
Great Guitar buffer 5 product stars
"This buffer works great. I was looking for an original LP-1, but that was a bit too pricy for me. So I ordered this one (I took the option that it was pre-assembled). It was delivered fast, looks great and most important, sounds like the real thing. Highly recommended if you are looking for a guitar buffer" Ed Lauwerens - 31 October 2014

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Full kits DO NOT include enclosures unless you select them in the 'Kit Type' drop-down menu.