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Brass Blender

Rather super circuit utilising the blend functionality of the Maestro BrassMaster, put together by Moosapotamus.

A somewhat bigger build than your average blend circuit, but well worth the effort. A phase switch means you can flip the signal being sent to the effects loop to alleviate any phase cancellation issues, and a Big Muff tone control on the loop give you a world of possibilities.

With pots for Send Level, Return Level, Tone and Thru Level you have complete control over every stage. There's also a Tone Bypass switch for you signal purists.

Available in three different enclosure configurations. Those with top-mounted jacks have the controls set further down the face.

Works equally well on guitar or bass.

The kit is supplied with vertical-mount pots which have round shafts, so you'll need set-screw fitting knobs. Pot spacing is 22mm - take that into account when choosing knobs.

If you want the PCB without parts there's a link for that at the bottom of the page.

Kit includes: PCB, all components, hook-up wire, 3PDT footswitch for true bypass, high quality jack sockets, DC socket, battery snap, LED. Enclosure (pre-drilled) is an option with full kits and will not take a battery. Does not include knobs.

Difficulty: Medium

PCB size: 84 x 32mm

Knobs required: 4

Enclosure: 1590BB

Direct-Connect compatible (4 or 6 way)

If you want the kit pre-build you MUST include the enclosure and choose the board-mounted pots option. Don't forget your knobs!



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Customer Reviews

1 review(s) posted (write review)
Excellent little Swiss Army Pedal 5 product stars
"This is a class piece of kit and has worked perfectly within my pedal board. I use it to tame and control my POG 2, certain setting could be very loud and the phase switch means I can keep everything where it should be. Easy enough build and very much worth the effort!" Mark - 19 December 2018

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We're only building for UK customers right now. Please don't order from elsewhere as we'll simply have to refund you.  

Full kits DO NOT include enclosures unless you select them in the 'Kit Type' drop-down menu.