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Big Muff Pi

The daddy of thick, meaty fuzz. Everyone needs some Muff in their life.

The new MultiFluff version of the PCB has optional features above and beyond the standard Fluff circuit:

  • board-mounted toggle switch for alternative diode clipping on the third gain stage.
  • extra pot pads for alternative tone controls with mid-shift.

Kits available for the following versions of this classic:

  • 70's (3rd) version
  • Green Russian
  • Black Russian
  • Civil War Russian
  • Tall Font Green Russian
  • Ram's Head
  • Triangle
  • Violet Ram's Head
  • V3 79#2 (Mascis)
  • Creamy Dreamer
  • Stoned cleric
  • Hoof
  • Cloven Hoof
  • Elk Sustainer (NPN Version)

Most of the above come with the parts to do the tone modification that takes out the scooped mids if that's the kind of thing you'd like to do.

Mascis model doesn't have the tone bypass that was on the original, but a Muff without Muff tone is no Muff at all. Creamy Dreamer doesn't include the ludicrous power filtering of the original.

What's the difference in the above versions? That's a website all to itself, and whaddayaknow? There IS a fantastic resource on all things Big Muff. Check out Kit Rae's Big Muff Pie page.

All versions are available as four-knob with AMZ Presence Control (version 1 or 2) instead of the standard tone circuit. For more info on those have a read of this. If you select Hoof or Cloven Hoof, these already have a tone section that includes a mids shift pot. Please DO NOT select one of the AMZ options when ordering as you'll just be adding extra cost to your order.

If you want to get really tweaky with your fuzzing you can add the optional clipping diodes and switch. If you go for this option we'll include two each of germanium, 1n4001, BAT46 and red LEDs.

All this fuzzy fun in a 1590B enclosure. Fat muff in a skinny body. Sweet.

The kit is supplied with vertical-mount pots which have round shafts, so you'll need set-screw fitting knobs.

If you want the PCB without parts there's a link for that at the bottom of the page.

Partial kit: PCB, all board-mounted components, pots.

Full kit: As above, plus footswitch and appropriate daughterboard/components for your selected bypass type (see Downloads section for details of those), jack sockets, DC socket, battery snap, hook-up wire, LED.

Enclosure (pre-drilled) is available as an option with full kits, and will not take a battery. Knobs are not included.

Builds are only available with full kits including enclosures. Please choose appropriate knobs.

Inspired by: Lots of Big Muff Pi variants

Difficulty: Medium

PCB size: 50 x 50mm

Knobs required: 3/4

Enclosure: 1590B



Pedal Parts



£33.60 inc. tax

£28.00 ex. tax
? Tax based on United Kingdom.

Customer Reviews

14 review(s) posted (write review)
Nice Beaver! 5 product stars
"I went with the standard Civil War version of this kit. It sounds just like it should, which is great but with my rig I wish I had gone for one of the AMZ alternatives to get back some mids. All in all a well put together kit and a great sounding pedal." Johan - 22 December 2024
wish I'd done it sooner! 5 product stars
"2nd pedal I've built, and first from fuzzdog. great instructions, easy build and the only mistake was my own (wired the led backwards...yeah, I know) this is the first part of my gilmour project, and the tone is spot on for those WALL tones...on to the next" Chris Green - 08 November 2023
Fantastic build 5 product stars
"This was my first time building a pedal, and probably only the 5th time I've done soldering in my life, but I had absolutely no problems building this pedal! the layout and instructions are clear, make sure you read everything thoroughly and you shouldn't have any issues! I was pleasantly surprised when I tested mine outside the enclosure and it sounded incredible, boxed it up and it looks and sounds awesome! Looking forward to building a phase 90 from them now which should be a bit more challenging, but this experience has got me hooked so I can't wait!" Toby - 05 July 2022
Always good 5 product stars
"Built a few different ones. I also bought a mystery one off eBay which recent died after being fixed a number of times (whoever made it had sourced there own bits by the look of it) it was sold as a Hoof but when I build a fresh one it didn't sound the same. I took the old one apart but by bit and found it was the same except the transistors and the alt diodes. They had put the same diodes as the cloven in the selector giving it more dirt. That fixed it. Looks like I'm gunna have to build a cloven as well now" Pish - 09 December 2021
Hoof Hearted 5 product stars
"I built the Hoof and it sounds fantastic! For anyone who is questioning whether to attempt a build or not, just do it. If you fully read and follow all the instructions you'll be fine, it's all so well laid out, and you'll end up with an awesome pedal. Finally I want to say a massive thank you to Fuzz Dog for putting this all together, I can't believe now that I waited so long to give it a go!" Jonny - 04 August 2021
Tip Top Tone 5 product stars
"The kit arrived quickly. I built the Triangle version, and used two red LEDs for the alternative clipping diodes. This is an awesome Muff - much smoother than the NYC reissue I have. Fuzz Dog does it again!" Ian - 21 March 2021
Russian green with amz2 and clipping diodes 5 product stars
"My first pedal build ever. Very easy to do the solder work. The mid shift is subtle. But the real mojo comes with the extra diode set. I opted for germanium diodes in order to have a completely different alternative to the stock ones. It sounds terrific with both sets of diodes, totally recommended. The next one will be rat-like." Tunkejazz - 23 December 2020
Green Russian w/ AMZ2 tone section & OctoPuss switch 4 product stars
"This was my first build. After a decent amount of reading and re-reading I got the circuit populated and wired to test before assembling the OptoPuss switch. I was happy that despite not looking pretty it worked first time. When I came to building the foot switch I realised that the kit was missing the LED and 2k2 resistor. Given the current COVID-19 situation I ordered the parts from Amazon Prime so not to bother the FuzzDog guys. Just come to finish the kit tonight and noticed that one of the nuts for the pots is missing too but I continued. Circuit built, foot switch built and hooked up the DC socket. Now to de-solder the test wires from the board to make way for the ribbon. It all went downhill from then. De-soldering was going fine as I used a solder sucker to clean the contacts but I damaged the 9v pad now I don't have anything to solder the wire to making the pedal unusable. Summary: 1. Great circuit, lots of fuzz and tone options. 2. I regret opting for the OctoPuss switch as I would've been able to complete my first project because it worked with the wires I had originally connected. 3. One star dropped for a few missing parts but it has not deterred me and I plan on buying more kits soon" Ben - 24 May 2020
Big and Heavy 5 product stars
"A great kit to build, great instructions and easy to modify. I went for the Green Russian option & the results have blown away not only myself, but several other musically minded friends." Xavier - 07 May 2020
Green Russian 5 product stars
"This was my third build. At this point, I was comfortable soldering and identifying the components - I still managed to get 2 resistors confused though! Luckily, I realized right away and was able to desolder and resolder the correct way around. I chose the Green Russian as I've always loved the sounds of that Big Muff in particular and it does indeed sound awesome. It's so much fun! I decided to switch a few components in order to avoid the Mid scoop and I'm delighted with the sound. Fuzzdog provides these extra components in the kit, which perfectly encapsulates the high level of service from the company. Great clone." Matt - 29 April 2020
Top Kit. Ram Head. 5 product stars
"Built the Ram Head, adding the Clipping switch with off olin the centre is worth it. I put mine in a bigger box and ran fly wires to another switch so I can switch between Red Led and 1N4148. Here some nutter has gone all the way. If you are lazy, Red LEDs are nice and loud. I also added the Gate Mod detailed on the main Muff Mod site connected to a footswitch like on the Fig Fumb. Decent and setting the threshold so less sound gets through can make it sound starved. Also added feedback mods but they just make it scream with a square type tone. Up to you with that. I put an LDR in thereto change its pitch but the range isn't that big." Pish - 31 January 2020
Few BMP build later... 5 product stars
"After a few BMF FuzzDog kits, I've finally found the sound I was looking for : TFR Kit with 430pf ceramic MLCC caps instead of the 500's (closer to Red Army specs) and the the AMZ V2 which I find better than the V1, greater range and more usable in a band context in order to be heard in a band context." Vali - 16 December 2019
Love it ! 5 product stars
"There is so much things to try and do with a Muff kit. Thanks to Fuzz Dog for the kit and thanks Kitrae's website. I've tried different versions, and for bass, my 2 favs are the Tall Font Russian and the Red Army version (this last one is not listed here but basically, only the LPF caps differ). These are respectively C2 C5 and C8 ceramic caps. I had great pleasure to fiddle with the alternative clipping stage and found killer sound with LED and also asymmetric stuffs. Next I will try with the AMZ v2 since the AMZ V1 with flat EQ setting (pot fully clockwise)was still not enough to be heard in the mix in band settting (with bass). Awesome kit. A must have as the Muff circuit is so fascinating and tolerant to experimentation." Vali - 02 December 2019
Warm and fuzzy tone Rams Head Build 5 product stars
"Awesome kit that was not only fun to build but turned out with true to sound tone. Kit also provided an awesome learning experience for my two little ones to introduce them to soldering and electronic components." Danny - 22 September 2019

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We're only building for UK customers right now. Please don't order from elsewhere as we'll simply have to refund you.  

Full kits DO NOT include enclosures unless you select them in the 'Kit Type' drop-down menu.