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P45 Phaser

Clone of the Phase 45 with some extra tweaks and features.

Though a lot less in-your-face than the 4-stage Phase 90, this is far from a weak effect. Pleasant swirls abound. You won't get full-on psychedelic madness but there's plenty of swooshy phase going on.

The board has a few extras over the standard one-knob pedal (though sweet and simple is the favoured configuration at FuzzDog HQ), drawn up by JC Maillet back in 2003:

  • Optional Mix control to vary the sound between phase and a kind of pitch-shifting vibrato
  • Pseudo Univibe mode switch. No, it isn't a univibe but it has a similar.... vibe!
  • Optional external pot for the bias control, rather than an internal trimmer. Why? well, you may want to tweak it slightly when selecting between Phase and Vibe modes. Up to you.

However, we'd suggest keeping it simple so we're no longer offering Mix and Bias as part of the kit. Once you find the bias sweet spot you'll likely keep it there. Same with the mix. The vibe switch is well worth adding though.

Kit can be supplied with or without the matched pair of FETs - note: you need these for the circuit to work, so if you don't have your own already you should include these.

The kit is supplied with a vertical-mount pot which have round shafts, so you'll need set-screw fitting knobs. The Univibe mode switch is also board mounted.

If you want the PCB without parts there's a link for that at the bottom of the page.

Partial kit: PCB, all board-mounted components, pots.

Full kit: As above, plus footswitch and appropriate daughterboard/components for your selected bypass type (see Downloads section for details of those), jack sockets, DC socket, battery snap, hook-up wire, LED.

Enclosure (pre-drilled) is available as an option with partial kits, and will not take a battery. Knobs are not included.

Inspired by: Phase 45

Difficulty: Medium-Hard

PCB size: 50 x 46mm

Knobs required: 1, 2 or 3

Enclosure: 1590B

Direct Connect compatible (4 way)



Pedal Parts



£30.00 inc. tax

£25.00 ex. tax
? Tax based on United Kingdom.

Customer Reviews

8 review(s) posted (write review)
Phased Me 5 product stars
"Super simple to put together, treat yourself to the ribbon cable and the vibe switch! As everyone else has said, the sound is transparent enough forego the mix knob, but it still adds wonderful swooshy movement to your tone. The good folks at helped me out when all I got was clean tone during testing - biasing the JFETs requires some patience as the kit was supplied with a multi-turn trimmer potentiometer." Aleks Tedstone - 20 September 2021
Keep it Simple 5 product stars
"I initially built it with all the options, but I found that the mix knob wasn't very useful and the bias really sounded best at one spot. So I removed them and went back to an internal trimpot and the "mix" resistors. I did keep the univibe switch and it works well, close enough to the real thing for me. The phase sounds are really good. People often mistakenly call the 45 subtle and I would disagree, it's just that it doesn't overpower your sound the way many other phasers do. Buy it, build it!" Vance - 24 August 2020
Excellent phase/vibrato/vibe pedal - straightforward build 5 product stars
"I ordered the kit with the optional mix and bias pots and the mode switch. The build was straightforward, and I'm no electronics expert by any means. I like the opto-switch - 'feels' like a quality component. I am really impressed with the sounds you can get out of this thing - it ranges from vibe to pitch shifting to phase - lots of fun tweaking the knobs! Only good sounds here. No volume loss, pops or other oddities that I've had with build kits from competitors, so I'm off to order a next project from Fuzzdog!" Chevalking - 27 June 2019
Excellent Phaser 5 product stars
"Ordered this as a build for a friend, kinda wish I had made one for myself now! Once I dialed in the bias I picked my guitar up and didn't put it down until 3 hours later! Sent it to my friend as a birthday gift and he immediately went into Nirvana mode, playing every song he could think of. This pedal certainly has some soul in it, and the build itself isn't too hard! Will certainly be recommending this one!" Chase Slagle - 15 September 2018
Beautiful sounds 5 product stars
"Delivery of this quality kit was really speedy, and it went together without any issues. The sounds available on this are stunning - everything from slow sweeps to fast wobbles, but all the time remaining less intrusive than other phasers. The mix knob gives some useful variations, and the vibe switch is subtle but handy. As someone else said, it's great combined with a tremolo to give more interesting sounds, and I really like it in front of my dirt pedals. I continue to be amazed at what FuzzDog offers, and can't wait to build more!" Tom - 28 March 2017
Great kit 5 product stars
"Great sounding easy to build kit. Did all the options and it sounds fab. Subtle phase, univibishness and vibrato possible, also by pushing the bias beyond audible wobble there's just an enhancement effect that adds to the tone. Used in sync with one of the tremolo kits can get you close to harmonic tremolo sound. Great stuff!" Jonny D - 07 November 2015
Bloody brilliant 5 product stars
"Having made a few of the Fuzz Dog's kits now, my expectations are pretty high, this kit is typically brilliant. I went for all the mods (external bias, mix and univibe switch) - in univibe with the right tweaking of the mix and bias pots you can get a really, really lovely sounding vibrato too - it's quite subtle but sounds sweet. As for the phaser sound itself, well to my ears it sounds as good as the original with the added bonus of proper bypass AND blinking LED to show the rate." Ben - 16 July 2014
Kewl.... 5 product stars
"For all my Phasey-Univiby goodness, I chose this kit. It wobbles nicely in the Univibe mode (which is primarily what I'll use it for). A tonally great pedal with a nice effect. Praise be unto the Pood. :)" Rob - 23 January 2013

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Full kits DO NOT include enclosures unless you select them in the 'Kit Type' drop-down menu.