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Blue Fool - MXR Blue Box

Please see the kit page for full description.

Direct Connect compatible (4 way)

Inspired by: Blue Box

PCB size: 50 x 45mm


Pedal Parts


£6.00 inc. tax

£5.00 ex. tax
? Tax based on United Kingdom.
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Customer Reviews

4 review(s) posted (write review)
A nice improvement on the classic 5 product stars
"This was a fun little project. It was very easy to assemble and the addition of the octave switch and boost on the output is a big improvement over the original Blue Box. No complaints at all here." Hayden - 21 August 2021
fun lil weirdo 5 product stars
"i didnt seem to have any problems. sounds great, works great, would recommend for anyone at any skill level. this was my first successful build after i failed my first 5 projects(unrelated to fuzzdog). any problems i had were minor and wiring mistakes due to inexperience. and support was also stellar." sebastian - 16 October 2016
Yes, it works!!! 5 product stars
"I've built two pedals with this PCB, and it works perfectly. No worries. Just two comments. One: The blend pot is wired reversed from the original pedal, I mean at 0 is only fuzz and at 10 is only octave. This is not an issue for me, it seems to me much more logical operation. But do not try to invert the wiring, since the pot is log it is not reccomendable because the response will become not very usable (until 75% is almost only octave and very small range for fuzz blend control). Second: the instructions pdf in this web is not for this version of PCB, and it could drive to misunderstanding (specially for pots wiring). Please update it. Anyway, very happy, I will buy some more, for sure." Skizoo - 21 April 2016
I wouldn't waste my time 1 product stars
"I've built close to 40 pedals (many from here) and i've never had issues like i have had with this board. I actually bought a second one just in case i was missing something on the first build. Right after I finished the second on i was having the exact same issue using all new parts. I did not reuse anything from the first attempt even though I had socketed the transistors and ICs. I'm not sure what the issue is, but I would pass on this one. Never had a repeatable failure on two boards with not real way to fix the problem. Real bummer too, I really wanted to love this." Cory Davis - 02 December 2015

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