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Hum Stop - power supply hum reducer

Based on the circuit over at Beavis Audio Research, this tiny unit will help mop up the hum from your pesky power supply.

This tiny thing will fit in the tightest of spaces - wire it inside your pedal between the DC input and the board, or you can add DC sockets and make an external box.

Please note: this circuit should be used on single pedals rather than an entire chain. Not suitable for high current.

Kit includes: PCB, all components, hook-up wire.

Difficulty: Easy

PCB size: 15 x 15mm



Pedal Parts



£2.64 inc. tax

£2.20 ex. tax
? Tax based on United Kingdom.

Customer Reviews

4 review(s) posted (write review)
A most accurately named bit of kit 5 product stars
"Does exactly what it says on the PCB. Completely stopped the hum from my cheap-as-chips power brick, meaning I now have a totally silent 9v practice amp and no more 50hZ hum, just like when it's connected to a proper battery :-D" Matt N - 09 January 2019
Does exactly what is promised 5 product stars
"Had a custom order done for this which was 4 in 1 enclosure. It came the next day, took about 1hr to wore up and it's silenced the cheapo power brick I had. Really impressed with this little beauty! Really impressed with Fuzzdog in general." Joe - 19 January 2016
Audio Beavis not Audio Bumulus 5 product stars
"I found a nice little box for these. Here's mine! Power conditioners are a diddle, and the 150 pedal power units are a bigger diddle, pocket change components in a fancy box. Get one of these." Bo Serosey - 11 January 2014
Almost free PSU goodness! 5 product stars
"Why would you not want one of these? Tested it with a cheap wall-wart and my most picky pedal and.... NO HUM!! Sorted so go buy one they're practically free anyway!" Buzz - 03 December 2012

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